CEO Coaching, Counseling, Mentoring, Decision Making
What differentiates an average CEO from an outstanding CEO – it is the quality of decisions. We are hard pressed for time to take the right decisions on our urgent and important matters – which customer segment/geography/technology to focus on, which product lines to shut down, how to maximize revenue, cut costs, simplify processes, eliminate waste, enhance customer satisfaction, who to hire, which systems to invest in, how to attract and select best vendors/employees, how to retain employees/vendors.
Be it intuitive or fact based decision making – we get the results only when correct decisions are taken at the right time. At CEO Coaching Conclave we are coaching, mentoring current and future CEOs to learn the art of decision making. Five days residential program helps in transforming the thought process and train the mind to improve quality of decision through series of exercises and participative sessions for creating a $100m enterprise.
Program delivers five days of rigorous training and practice with at least 30 complex situations to go through multiple options and develops ability to choose the best. Maximum group size is 6 to allow continuous interaction and learning through each other.
Day starts early morning with Meditation & Yoga to learn deep thinking to grasp as many decision options and see the pros & cons of each option clearly. We shall coach you to develop uncluttered thinking to deliver focused results.
These are not classroom training sessions – bring in your situations for which you are not able to find solutions, complex issues, critical decisions for which you would like to know the outcome. As proven business leaders, we shall help you with all these during the day to ensure that you are ready to deal with them on your own at the end of the program.
Day ends with post dinner fire side chat on day long deliberations and plan for next day.
Program Content
Sharing detailed agenda for the program – it is essentially aimed at helping execs take big & bold steps to create multimillion businesses.
Transform CEOs to Outstanding Leader by providing coaching on Strategic Thinking, Self Learning, Finance First, Sales & Marketing and People Power
Program Content
Day 1 – Program Philosophy
- New Approaches – Forward Thinking – Fresh Perspectives
- Super Power – Resilience – Foresight
- Strengthening the core business. A strong core business is the key foundation for profitability and growth
- How to develop Skills, Abilities and wisdom required to lead Organizations.
- Develop confidence through enhanced critical thinking for developing/validating hypothesis.
- Enhance ability to put ideas across effectively so as to inspire teams to embrace solutions for improving business results.
- How to improve probability of making correct decisions and getting right results.
- Focused on behavioral changes to de-stress and change the lifestyle leading to new way of living/working.
- Practice process simplification and people development. Stop finding fault with others, look for opportunities for Self Improvement, Self Learning.
- How to train up mind to absorb required information at conscious and sub conscious level.
- Examining different ways of thinking about situations and exploring different perspectives.
- Our job is not to tell you what to do but help you to come conclusions by asking powerful questions.
- Where are you now? Where do you need to be? What needs to happen for you to get there?
- Create breakthrough performance replacing incremental improvements
- Introducing a product, service or solution that will revolutionize the market
- Be aware of who you are, how you are perceived, what your own strengths and weaknesses are, and be the role model in learning and developing yourself before you can begin to help others do the same.
- Gradually develop new and more effective learning skills, become a proactive learner, capable of learning from almost any experience encountered.
- Overview of emerging business trends – Cloud, Mobility, Analytics, Social
- Case Studies
- Story – iGate SmartApps
- Team Building – Delegation, Empowerment, Mentoring, Conflict management
- Communication – Listening, Owning Accountability & Responsibility. Vision & Mission. Interpersonal and Motivation Skills.
- Planning – Setting Goals & Objectives
- Time Management
- Identifying Blind Spots
- Personality Types – MBTI
- Problem Solving Techniques – Root Cause Analysis, Process Simplification, Use of Advanced Tools for Analytics, Art of Decision Making – Questioning Techniques, Collecting Information, Developing Options, Analyzing Options, choosing the best Option.
- Tools & Technology – ERP Systems: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics. Analytics: SAS, Cognos Insight, Informatica, ClickView, OpenOLAT. Cloud: Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure
- Strategic Management – 80/20 rule, Understanding Big Picture. Conducting Business Reviews.
- Analysis by Sectors – Health Care, Education, Travel, Transportation, Telecom, BFSI, Real Estate, Media, Retail,
- Business Analysis by Geo – Americas, Europe, Japan & APAC , MENA, BRIC
- Creativity Workshop – Develop Business Plan for $100m company
- Case Studies
- Story – Dendrite ODC ramp up
- Fireside Chat, Mixers, Networking with Industry Leaders
Day 2 – Identifying Opportunities for Improvements and developing insights to get results.
- Team Building – Delegation, Empowerment, Mentoring, Conflict management
- Communication – Listening, Owning Accountability & Responsibility. Vision & Mission. Interpersonal and Motivation Skills.
- Planning – Setting Goals & Objectives
- Time Management
- Identifying Blind Spots
- Personality Types – MBTI
- Problem Solving Techniques – Root Cause Analysis, Process Simplification, Use of Advanced Tools for Analytics, Art of Decision Making – Questioning Techniques, Collecting Information, Developing Options, Analyzing Options, choosing the best Option.
- Tools & Technology – ERP Systems: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics. Analytics: SAS, Cognos Insight, Informatica, ClickView, OpenOLAT. Cloud: Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure
- Strategic Management – 80/20 rule, Understanding Big Picture. Conducting Business Reviews.
- Analysis by Sectors – Health Care, Education, Travel, Transportation, Telecom, BFSI, Real Estate, Media, Retail,
- Business Analysis by Geo – Americas, Europe, Japan & APAC , MENA, BRIC
- Creativity Workshop – Develop Business Plan for $100m company
- Case Studies
- Story – Dendrite ODC ramp up
- Fireside Chat, Mixers, Networking with Industry Leaders
Day 3 – Revenue, Costs, Margins & Taxes
- Reading Balance Sheets – Assets & Liabilities
- Financial Reviews – Revenue and Cost Analysis
- Entity Formation – India, US, Singapore, Europe : Taxes & Liability
- Funding – Angels, VCs
- Startup ecosystem – Incubators, Accelerators
- Case Studies
- Creativity Workshop – Business Simulation Games
- Story – Big Data Analytics Startup
- Fireside Chat, Mixers, Networking with Industry Leaders
Day 4 : Capturing Market Share
- Winning new Business – Sales Strategies, Incentive Plans
- Branding & Advertising
- Pricing and Promotion
- Digital Marketing – Website, SEO, Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn Campaign, Google Adwords
- Visual Communications
- Case Studies
- Creativity Workshop – Build your own website and implement SEO
- Story – Modi Xerox 80% + Market share
- Fireside Chat, Mixers, Networking with Industry Leaders
Day 5 : People Power
- Team Building – Trust, Ownership, Responsibility
- Situational Leadership
- Art of Delegation
- Role, Responsibility and Objectives
- Career Planning
- Performance Reviews, Appraisal
- Employee Retention
- Learning & Development
- Pay & Comp
- Case Studies
- Creativity Workshop – Cook your favorite dish
- Story – Xerox Self Managing Work Groups
- Fireside Chat, Mixers, Networking with Industry Leaders
Venue: Prestige Shantiniketan, Bangalore
Facilitator: Arun Thakur
Cost including Food, Stay & Training: INR 50,000 or USD1000 (foreign participants)
Payment is variable – Advance INR 25,000 or USD 500
Balance payment upon completion of program based on rating by each participants:
Dissatisfied: No Payment
Somewhat Satisfied: INR 10,000 or USD 250
Satisfied: INR 25,000 or USD 500
Very Satisfied: INR 35,000 or USD 700